Roofing products of WUS
As a partner for the wholesale sector and particularly as a “Made in Germany” manufacturer we are able to respond quickly and professionally to your requirements.
Rainwater pipe brackets
The WUS clamp as a brand name!
Those who know our pipe clamps and brackets also appreciate them.
WUS clamps/brackets are not “also rans” ‑ it’s the attention to detail and special accessories that for many years have enabled us to make a name for ourselves with WUS clamps.
Our pipe clamps/brackets therefore feature pre-fitted collars/escutcheons on square nails, a stable impact plate, a good fit, reinforced lower screw threads (important with copper downspout brackets and fastenings!), the use of exclusively top-quality eyebolts (stainless steel and copper!) and innovative mounting/fitting solutions for every type of surface ‑ regardless of whether its is brick-/stonework, metal, wood or exterior insulation finishing systems ‑ all of which are key advantages.
WUS ‑ YOUR advantage in when it comes to building!
Gutter brackets
Traded, installed and - proven a million times over!
The variety of channel supports, depending on the type of material and dimensions of the channel to be installed, the dimensioning of the drainage system, the structural requirements and the regional area of application is enormous.
The range of channel supports from the WUS brand is just as wide.
Ask us – You will be surprised!
To calculate the dimensions of the roof drainage system, you can use our
Tool dimension calculation roof drainage
Special solutions
Listening, observing and the necessary experience in dealing with high-quality materials and machines; these are the prerequisites for innovative products:
By professionals - for professionals
The “right material” creates the necessary added value and provides benefits where it is urgently needed: in the daily work!
For example, our M10 New insulating anchorage allows tradespeople to install pipe clamps directly in plastered ETICS made from Styropor®, Styrodur®. or even to put wood fiber insulation boards.
Time-consuming assembly in the masonry - when bridging the different insulation thicknesses - problems with cold bridges or sound transmission are eliminated.
Our fastening solutions for ETICS with mineral wool, elegant solutions for direct mounting on metal or wooden facades, cover rosettes (some with a sealing function) for a sophisticated look, special channel supports (for front mounting, e.g. on balconies, carports or for renovations), snow guard systems for PV modules - all of these are further ideas - for you!
Snow Guards
Rutschende Schneelasten sorgen immer wieder für Gefahr. Im schlimmsten Fall führen Dachlawinen zu Personenschäden, jedoch sind auch die Vielzahl der Schäden an Bauwerken nach jedem Winter auffallend hoch. Schneefangsysteme von WUS haben daher eine klare Aufgabe vom Handwerk: Werte schaffen – Werte schützen.
Zur Berechnung Ihrer individuellen Schneelast steht Ihnen unser »Tool zur Schneelastberechnung« zur Verfügung.
Montagevideo Schneefangstütze
Safety roof hooks
When it comes to security, WUS makes no compromises!
Our certified safety roof hooks are subject to strict controls and offer you support and security where you urgently need it - at the top! Each of our safety roof hooks corresponds to DIN EN 517 - Type A and is supplied with 3 grooved nails.
Metal Roofing Tiles (MDP)

Overview of WUS metal roof panels
Our metal roof panels impress with their stability, weather resistance, low weight and first-class workmanship. Simple laying and perfect adaptation to the rows of bricks round off the package and prevent brick breakage.
Metal roofing panels manufacturer
WUS metal roof panels are available in various designs and coatings.
- Frankfurter Pan
- Beaver tail bricks
- Flat roof tiles
- Interlocking tile
- hot-dip galvanized metal roof panels
- galvanized and powder-coated metal roof panels (duplex process)
- solid copper metal roof panels
Buy metal roofing panels
You want to buy metal roofing panels? Our metal roofing panels are high quality at affordable prices. Here you will find a list of our trade partners from whom you can purchase our WUS metal roof panels.